Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System

25 09, 2007

Texas Entity Applications Available

2015-05-23T08:17:46-07:00September 25th, 2007|Mortgage Licensing News, NMLS|

UPDATE: Texas is on the NMLS now Are you a licensed mortgage broker in the state of Texas? Does the compensation that you make on a loan go to your corporation or LLC? If so, you now need to get your mortgage corporation or LLC licensed. The applications just posted last week. If you're in [...]

11 09, 2007

Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System

2015-05-24T21:16:11-07:00September 11th, 2007|Mortgage Licensing News, NMLS|

State mortgage regulators from around the country have been working since 2004 to develop a nationwide licensing system for the residential mortgage industry that will improve supervision of the mortgage industry, streamline the licensing process for mortgage companies and professionals, and enhance consumer protection. The Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System (NMLS) is a web-based system that [...]

11 09, 2007

Kentucky Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System

2015-05-24T21:17:35-07:00September 11th, 2007|Mortgage Licensing News, NMLS|

Starting Jan. 2, 2008, the Office of Financial Institutions (OFI) will join with several other states across the country in participating in the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System (NMLS). The NMLS was developed by state regulators through the Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS) and the American Association of Residential Mortgage Regulators (AARMR). Important information about [...]

31 08, 2007

New South Dakota Licensing

2015-05-24T21:18:34-07:00August 31st, 2007|Loan Originator Licensing, Mortgage Broker Licensing, Mortgage Lender Licensing, Mortgage Licensing News, NMLS|

South Dakota has passed SB165, which requires loan officers to be licensed as Mortgage Brokers if brokering and licensed as loan originators if working for a direct lender The bill is effective December 1, 2007. Mortgage Lenders Requires current licensees to have a $25,000 surety bond by August 31, 2007 and for new licensees it [...]

27 03, 2007

New Licensing System

2017-01-23T19:53:20-08:00March 27th, 2007|Mortgage Licensing News, NMLS|

Mortgage Licensing System Embraced By Some Slammed By Others Mortgage News Daily Late last week CBSB/AARMR announced that 28 states and the District of Columbia had signed a Statement of Intent indicating they will be participating in the Residential Mortgage Licensing System by the end of 2008. In signing the statement the 29 state agencies [...]


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