If you’re reading this article, you may be asking what the benefits are of using a mortgage license service. Acquiring a license is as simple as just sending an application to the state and waiting for the license to come in, right? Well, yes and no. Due to sensitive information handled by mortgage companies, the large amounts of money handled by mortgage companies, and the increasing amount of fraud in the industry, mortgage licensing has become a very arduous task. Mortgage licensing often involved numerous steps and can take months for the state to process the application just to find out that they need a few more items. This can often go on for months. So what can a mortgage license service do for you.?
1. Experience – Provide expertise to expedite the application process.
2. Connections – Find the best service providers for surety bonds, registered agents, and document retrieval.
3. Filing – Complete the paperwork so you can focus on building your mortgage company.
A mortgage licensing service has the experience to be able to put the licensing application together for you quickly. Without assistance it can take weeks even months just to research everything that’s required. You will also have an advocate with the states. A mortgage licensing company has dealt with the same people at the states numerous times and can get you the answers you need if there are any issues that come up during the process.
Knowing the right companies to work with during this process is invaluable. You will need an insurance company that provides surety bonds. You will need a registered agent company that is nationwide that can receive service of process for you. You will also need a company that can expedite document retrieval from the different Secretary of States to expedite the process. I remember working with a surety bond company many years ago that told me the company I was working for couldn’t get any more bonds. They told me that the companies financials weren’t good enough. I went to about 10 different companies before I found one that would be able to provide additional bonds. Without assistance finding the right connections, you could find it difficult to complete the process.
The paperwork in some states is very simple, but most states have pages and pages to complete. Some of the questions are not very clear and require additional research and making calls. A mortgage licensing service already has gone through this and can provide the answers to these tough questions. They also complete the mortgage license applications for you so you don’t have to spend hours filling out paperwork.
Mortgage Licensing Conclusion
If you have trained staff to handle all of the paperwork, make the connections, and provide the expertise, then definitely handle it in-house, but if you don’t I recommend considering outsourcing the mortgage licensing process. It will actually save your company money and time.