24 12, 2007

What Services Does a Mortgage Licensing Company Offer?

2017-01-23T19:53:18-08:00December 24th, 2007|Mortgage Broker Licensing, Mortgage License, Mortgage Licensing News, Mortgage Servicer Licensing|

I have had clients tell me that licensing a mortgage company nationwide was one of the most challenging projects that they have ever taken on. So why is it so challenging, and what can you do to make the process easier? What does a Mortgage Licensing Company do to make this process easier? To explain [...]

1 12, 2007

Largest Barrier to Mortgage Licensing

2015-05-24T14:25:13-07:00December 1st, 2007|Licensing Requirements, Mortgage License, Mortgage Licensing News, Surety Bond|

I get calls all of the time from companies that are interested in getting away from a net branch company and getting their own mortgage licenses. After hundreds of these conversations, I've been able to reduce the call to a simple question. What is your mortgage company's net worth? Now you may be thinking that [...]

1 12, 2007

December 2007 Mortgage License Update

2015-05-24T20:57:52-07:00December 1st, 2007|License Updates, Mortgage Licensing News|

The bills in the Senate are just sitting there, the state legislative sessions are starting up and business is slowing down. Here's the latest news for mortgage licensing Colorado - E&O Insurance now required for Mortgage Broker Individuals Massachusetts - Surety Bond is not available FHA Reform - New Bills still on hold in the [...]


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